Our guest this week is PC Gamer Senior Editor Wes Fenlon, who talks to us about his career in games media, his newsletter Read Only Memo, and Nintendo during the GameCube/GBA episode. You’ll also hear about some of the differences between UK and US games media, and a quick therapy session for Samuel’s benefit. A lot of ground is covered in this one – enjoy!
This week’s music is from Cubivore, probably? Matthew edited this one and didn’t say where the music came from – and at the time of writing he’s on a train to Belgium, so who really knows.

The magazines discussed by Wes in this week’s episode
- Mother 3
- Astro Boy: Omega Factor
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- Klonoa: Empire of Dreams
- Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament
- Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal
- Kuru Kuru Kururin
- Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
- Bomberman Generation
- Baten Kaitos Origins
- Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest