Woah, it’s been one whole week since we discussed Resident Evil on this podcast! Time to do a rundown of the best moments from the entire series, including the likes of 0, Revelations 2 and a tiny taste of Code Veronica. Enjoy, and thanks for the support!
Thanks to new Back Page editing pal Michael Banya for their work on this episode (Michael, if that’s not actually your name, drop us an email and we’ll apologise profusely).

Image Credit: Chris Doherty
Resident Evil
- Live-action intro to the original, with the goofiest James Cameron riff you can think of
- The first zombie you meet
- Moonlight Sonata on the piano
- “You were almost a Jill sandwich” (lowering ceiling setpiece)
- Lisa Trevor being generally terrifying in her cabin
- Shark in Remake (slightly crap puzzle, but looks cool)
Resident Evil 2
- The opening, including the crash and Robert Kendo biting the dust in the gunshop. (Original and Remake)
- The Licker appears on the ceiling (original)
- Zombies pulling themselves out of morgue locker
- Mr X (was scary once, now a bit too much of a meme)
Resident Evil 3
- Resi 3 remake literally peaks in its first 10 minutes with a rad first-person hallucination sequence then Nemesis turns up
- Nemesis shoots down the helicopter and you realise you’re fuckin’ stuck with him (original and remake, I think)
- Blowing up final boss with railgun (remake)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
- The opening cinematic - impressive for the time
- The fight in the mist with Nosferatu looks cool
- I liked the Darkside Chronicles fight with Alfred Ashford
- Wesker confronts Alexia then fucks off
Resident Evil 0
- The train is cool, including fight with giant scorpion
Resident Evil 4
- The village rush
- The bit in the house
- The boss fight in the barn with Mendez
- The first time you meet the merchant - this welcome alliance in a strange land
- Wesker vs Krauser QTE knife fight “Been a long time, comrade!” “You may be able to prolong your life, but it’s not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?” (original only)
- Then the Krauser fight itself (both)
- Mine cart chase (remake only)
- Running away from the Salazar statue (original only)
- The bit on the throne
Resident Evil 5
- The village rush - dude with a megaphone. Mirrors the Resi 4 opening nicely
- “Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you.”
- Chris beats the shit out of that rock
- Being chased by two chainsaw guys on an oil rig
- Irving - sea monster fight
- Chris doing a haymaker
- Fighting Wesker in the hangar - better than the last boss
- Lost in Nightmares DLC raising the idea of over shoulder camera Resi 1
Resident Evil 6
- Ustanak coming back with increasingly ludicrous arm implements (6 times)
- Boss in Chris campaign - Haos - is genuinely spectacular
Resident Evil 7
- Approaching the house for the first time
- Dinner table with the Bakers (even though they’re all tough hangs)
- The video tape experiences - especially that initial one with the cellar
- The reveal that Mia is a covert operative, so the story flips
Resident Evil: Village
- That giant fuckin’ baby
- Looking for the doll in the house
- Game possibly peaks with the death of Lady Dimitrescu in terms of threat level, but it’s nice to tick her off the list
Assorted Resi ephemera if relevant (Revelations, etc)
- Revelations 2 - Barry and Natalia co-op mechanic
- Revelations 2 - good co-op end boss